
Welcome to the PBR community Store!

All products sold by our partner community sellers, merchants contribute not only to our PBR fund which will be used to fly in all the top kids + parent in each region to the PBR Championship in December

For inquiries contact: Marie 0908 715 2582

Aluminum Wheelset KO2: P3,299

Aluminum Wheelset R3: P5,999

Aluminum Wheelset Cross Spokes Electroplated Finish: P6,299

Aluminum Superlight: P6,999

Aluminum Wheelset R1: P7,999

Aluminum Wheelset Metallic R1: P7,999

Aluminum Wheelset Water Transfer Design

25MM Sidewall Carbon Wheelset: P30,000

Carbon Wheelset Three Spoke Hurricane: P32,999

30MM Sidewall Carbon Wheelset: P40,000

Carbon Wheelset Evo Series

Carbon Wheelset Three Spoke Series

Carbon Wheelset Two Spoke Series