Welcome to the PBR community Store! All products sold by our partner community sellers, merchants contribute not only to our PBR fund which will be used to fly in all the top kids + parent in each region to the PBR Championship in December |
For inquiries contact: Benedict 09999268566 |
How to order
Order nation-wide Cash on Delivery though our logistics partner here
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Choose your own color!
Click here to browse colors from Anzahal Paint
Ready Available Colors:
- Silver (P2,200 only)
- Kawasaki Green
- Hot Pink
- Light Pink
- Blue
- Dark Green
- Pearl White
- Matte Black
- Yellow
- Mica Pearl Green
- Two tone Flame Red/Cyanine Green with 50% White (+P500)
- Violet

Choose your marking!

Put your family name, child’s name or nick name on the bike! Marking can be ANY FONT and almost ANY COLOR.
To find a unique font visit this site for free fonts https://www.dafont.com/
To view available colors for markings kindly visit here https://www.orafol.com/en/americas/products/oracal-651-intermediate-cal
Magnesium Frame

Lighter and better than aluminum, just the frame of this bike is already ahead of other pro type push bikes that uses aluminum frame
Racing Wheelset
Push bike comes with racing type wheelset 5 spoke design. Rubber, air inflatable tires for maximum traction.

Sealed bearing hubs

No more problems with loose hubs, bearings breaking or getting dry that is found in low quality push bike. Our push bikes use sealed bearings.
Very affordable

Order from us and get it all for only P3,200.
To order kindly contact Benedict 0999-926-8566.